New generation from Magazine Template is release. There is Magazine Template 2.
Please check out for seeing the Demo site.
This template has been tested in the following browser
FireFox 3.0.1, Opera 9.51, Google Chrome, Safari 3.1.2, Flock 1.2.5, Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer 7 .
Generally, this template is good at all browser except at Internet explorer 7. There is a little bug at posting column but I will fix it in the future
Terms and service
By downloading and using our blogger template, you agree to the following terms:
- The template is free to download
- You may NOT resell the template
- Don't delete A Credits link to this blog and this blog
- You may modify, translate or distribute all of the template
- You may use the template for personal or commercial projects
Below is the link to download it
![]() | ![]() |
Enjoy the new template of your blog!
pertanyaan yang sama utk template magazine 1:
bagaimana caranya agar tampilan template ini terlihat kompak dan tidak ada gap kosong di antara postingan maupun antara widget
terima kasih
bermain di margin saja, karena perintah margin yg membuat ada jarak antar widget. contoh ;
margin: 10px;
ubah jadi ini ;
margin :0px.
sy tidak bisa menyebutkan secara tepat, karena kodenya banyak yg harus di sesuaikan.
Mas... aku download templates yang ini...... Mas makasih templates nya
Ok didiet, thank you for using my template. Enjoy your new look.
kang, apa maksudnya mirro 1 dan mirror 2? apa isinya sama aja? sori, masih belajar..
that mean, if you cannot download at mirror 1 you can download at mirror 2. Yes, there's same content. So, you only need download from 1 mirror.
mohon ijin buat renew kang rohman template saya coba hehehehehe
ini template yang awak cari..... terima kasih
Mas kok di blog saya gak bisa ya mas konfirmasi error mohon bantuannya mas
makasih templatenya ya. tapi aq bingung cara mengubah menunya
hi. I have just downloaded this template. And can you please teach me how to change the commenting process of the blog? I want to have one like yours. Because your commenting process looks like so professional. That's why I really like it. so can you please teach us how to do that one.
I haven't started my new blog yet. but I will start it after i settled everything.
please help me with this. :D
saya suka sekali templete ini, mohon ijin pakai di blog saya. Terima Kasih.
saya sdh mencobanya dan saya suka :) tapi begitu saya pake template ini traffic yg berasal dr SE langsung turun drastis. kenapa ya ? sdh 2 mingguan neh.. ga balik2 traffic-nya
salam kenal kang, sampean pancen hebrinngg... cinta banget sama magazine template2-nya, ijin pakai kang:-)
Nice template, Kang!
Minta ijin saya pakai ya. Thanks very very much!
Kang ijin download mag templatenya buat blog saya dan Thanks banyak sudah memberikan ilmunya ke newbie seperti saya ini.
hi unique!
remember me? its bestre.
This is a very nice template. Anyway, I wanted to ask if I can delete the subscription portion going to yours? Is that what you mean by not deleting the your credits or its just the bottom portion of the template.
Hi bestre!
You may deleting the my subscription. However, you may not deleting the credits links on the bottom of the template.
Thank you for using my template.
Happy blogging.
mas aku dah pake ni template :
ngomong2 untuk mengubah menu editme itu dimana ya?
pak bagian mana yang harus dihapus untuk menghilangkan widget news and update ???
Kang aku coba ya.... thank banget kreativitasnya
thanks for the response rohman
Template nya ok! Aku pake buat blog baru ku, ya! Thank for the template... Keepin' success!
templateku di review juga donk, hehe
thx, promosi juga, hoho!
mAS saya coba pakai template ini ya!!!
mas kang rohman buat post comment kayak sperti ini gimna?
kok tutorial panjenengan, hasilnya tidak seperti ini?
mohon ilmunya
salam perkenalan,sya dari Malaysia harap kita dpt berkomunisasi ya..sya da cuba pakai template magazine 1 dan sya nak tahu how to edit the menu bar? dalam page layout just ada -edit me- saja. bagaimana mau isi kandungan dalamnya? sekian makasih ya :p
ini mail saya :
iya mas gimana kalau mau diganti e "edit me" nya..harap pencerahan nya...segera thanks...
How do I make the rotating tabs work ?
Hello Sean Morris,
You can read this post
I have to say thanks a lot, i use this template for my blog, but how to add a picture in header? can i?
permisi ya mas.. aku download ya, tapi mohon bantuannya nanti kalo ada perlu aku tanyakan. makasih sebelumnya
The format seems Hthocha browser explorer, how can I fix it?
met siang, aku dah dowload nih dan langsung mau dicoba. thank infonya
Makasi template nya
Saya punya info bagus.
Sebuah bundle informasi yang saya jamin bagus buat anda
Informasi tentang bagaimana membuat bisnis online sendiri, bagaimana agar eksis di search engine manapun, sampai membuat website profesional dengan (bukan lo ya..) juga bagaimana script membuat web iklan baris (dapat langsung diaplikasikan sehingga bisa nambah pemasukan) semuanya ada disini
Ada pasti puassss.
Salam hangat.
Hi, how to make the "read more" on every post?
tanks templetenya yach
thanks for the template..... that template i looking for and very useful to reviews on various product
this theme is very good.
How add read more in my posts???
Beautiful template
I like this template
langsung cap cus!!!...dan hasilnya..woow keren banggezt.!! makasih banyak mas...
terima kasih templete nya.....tapi mmg perlu di-edit dikit...hehehe
hi there
about this theme it's not working .
We're sorry, but we were unable to complete your request.
When reporting this error to Blogger Support or on the Blogger Help Group, please:
* Describe what you were doing when you got this error.
* Provide the following error code and additional information.
mas gimana buat read more and edit menya dibagian mana?
I'm having the same problem it's not working?
what your promblem?
berkunjung malam teman..
wah boleh nih nyoba .....
Mau donlot templatenya dulu ya....?!
Blogspot bisa diedit Offline kayak Wordpress gak sih...?
Great to see the magazine template 2. It looks really nice and simple. I think i should use this on my next project thanks for the information.
mas makasih buat template nya... saya izin download ya blog saya ada di
cuma saya mau tanya di template yang ini ada header edit me itu maksudnya apa makasih...
this is really nice. thanks
mas ni template bisa untuk fitur terbaru blogger gak...
nice collection.
please visit my collection:
another great templates, is good.
thanks you boss
ijin sedot
Nice Theme, thank you friend....
Template keren...
izin nyedot ya, mas
tamplate cool banget nihhh
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